Monday, May 18, 2009

Just a note to let you feel sorry for William

My poor little William. Yesterday he was climbing a tree. He got up about 12 feet and didn't quite know how to get down. He cried but I didn't get to him in time and he fell to the ground with a thud. His ribs were hurt and still hurt today. Today wasn't a whole lot of fun for him either. Yellowjackets had been buzzing around this afternoon. Apparently, William found one. It stung him in the face. His little face is all puffed up. He didn't feel like eating.
I feel very bad for him. Letting him sky dive without a parachute and beekeep without the helmet and netting. I know you all feel sorry for him too.

1 comment:

Stitched With Grace said...

oh poor baby kitty!! I hope he feels much better soon. Maybe I see some soft tuna fish in his future?