Zana Grey has come out to play. She is doing way better.

Plum tree is in blossom

Bean towers for pole beans to run up and squashes & corn to grow with the beans.
-Growing flowers, vegetables, fruits, trees, and shrubs in a small garden. And a beautiful place for the kitties to play too.
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How tall are those bean towers? I think I'd have trouble reaching the tops to pick the beans.
The first 3 towers were the prototypes and were made 8 feet tall. I think they are a bit too tall so the next 7 are only 6 feet tall. Should still be tall enough. They are also more stable. We may yet cut the really tall ones to 6 feet as well. The idea is to plant the pole beans up, squashes in the middle to vine out of the boxes, and corn next to the towers.
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