Monday, June 30, 2008

veggy pics taken 6/30/08

Here are some veggy pictures from today.

Fava beans. This is the first time I have tried growing favas.
So far they are looking yummy.

Sweet peppers and a small basil

The "pick-n-go" tomaotes out front.

1 comment:

Stitched With Grace said...

Trisha & Keith love fava beans. If you need recipes, I'm sure they have some. Personally, I've never tried them. No beans or peas on our patio- no room for the vines :(

With our success so far this year, next year should be even better. Will definitely have to start any seeds much earlier though.

The basil had a second harvest. It is so yummy in food- and I didn't think I was a fan of basil :)