Sunday, July 26, 2009

Kitty updates

I have changed my mind about getting a kitten. I am just not going to get one right away. I still want a kitty to train to be held and carried around.
Zana Grey is doing much better. I have been treating her every week for fleas. She really loves being bathed too... NOT! but we are keeping the fleas off of her. Her appetite has returned. Since she has taken over sleeping in the blueberries all the time, the tweety birds have not been bothering them or eating them. Not that Zana can chase birds anymore, but the tweeties don't seem to want to take any chances.
Thomas, Spot, Rudy, and Georgia are all doing well. The wild bunch are getting more wild mostly since William left. I am starting all over again and again trying to tame them down.

Pictures:Georgia, Rudy & Spot, Thomas, Zana

this weekend's harvest

I have harvested the potatoes this weekend. I did not get a lot of potatoes per hill but the ones I did get are of a pretty large size for yukon gold potatoes. I do like those yukon golds. I am going to be grating some with peppers and onions and put it in the freezer. That way I can take them out this week for breakfast-quick and easy breakfast for a mid-week morning. I also harvested what few walla-walla onions I had grown. There are so few, I will not have to worry about using them up in 2 weeks let alone 2 months. {{sigh}} but at least I got a few. I thought I would be able to harvest a few ears of corn but it looks like it will be next weekend before I can do that. Still, very early corn. Green beans are coming along fairly well. We will be eating lots of beans this week. Zucchini is growing and producing nicely. This year I only planted 2 plants of zucchini so we are able to keep up with eating them fairly well. I am getting some cucumbers every few days but not enough to do pickles or relish. The peppers and tomatoes are just coming on Also harvested the last of the spring snow peas and the lettuce. The earliest apples are ready for eating too.
The really good news is I haven't shopped the produce section of the grocery store in weeks and doubt I will need to do so for months.
The kitties like the fact that I have dug the potatoes and harvested the last of the snow peas. I took out the dead/dying snow pea plants too. So now the little ones have fresh, cool dirt to lie around in.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

iss fly by

Got to watch the international space station fly by this evening. Too way cool. Took all of 5 minutes to come over the horizon and zoom by and disappear. Tried to take a picture, but it mostly just came out darkness. Still way nice to watch it go by.
We tried hitchhiking, but perhaps they did not see us.

4th of july parade